Text Processor, for use with EA v10.1 [UPDATED TO V2.1]

#Download textprocess.exe
##Download textprocess.py

This is a simple little program that generates an EA installer for all of your text using Tools/ParseFile.

To use it, drag and drop your text file onto the exe.

It creates a two .event files, Text Definitions.event and Install Text Data.event. Simply

#include "Install Text Data.event" 

under some free space, and it will parse and install the text for you.

Your text file should be in this format:

#0x212 EirikaName
# the first line should be #0xTextID with an optional definition
# the first non-blank line after the [X] should be in the same format


and so on for all the text entries you want to insert.

You can also use #include "somefile.txt" if your text changes are in multiple files.


Update: you can now use ## for consecutive text ids:

#0x212 EirikaName
# the first line should be #0xTextID with an optional definition
# the first non-blank line after the [X] should be in the same format

## SethName
# this will make seth's text id 0x213

## GilliamName
#this one is 0x214

also if you don’t give it a text file it pops up a file dialog prompt.


I found a bug.

In Japanese OS, error executing textprocess_v2 occurs and it does not work properly.

Z:\GFE1R-master\Text>echo:   | (textprocess_v2 text_buildfile.txt )
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "textprocess_v2.py", line 136, in <module>
  File "textprocess_v2.py", line 86, in main
  File "textprocess_v2.py", line 62, in assemble
  File "textprocess_v2.py", line 62, in assemble
  File "textprocess_v2.py", line 55, in assemble
UnicodeDecodeError: 'cp932' codec can't decode byte 0x92 in position 194: illega
l multibyte sequence
Press Enter key to exit.
Z:\GFE1R-master\Text>cd "Z:\GFE1R-master\Event Assembler"

This is because python refers to the standard encoding of the OS when opening the file.
In Japanese Windows, it becomes cp 932 (Shift-JIS).

To fix this, you need to specify the encoding when you open it.
encoding=“utf-8_sig” must be specified.

f = open(r'C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\test.json','r',encoding="utf-8_sig")

Although it is a Japanese site, there is a commentary here.

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