Teraspark's Spriting Thread

here’s another one i’ve been sitting on for a good while as well

Eirika Magic

Eirika Magic

Eirika Magic Crit

Eirika Magicv2 crit

iirc i was never made a release because i wasn't satisfied with the crit

wow this looks even worse than i remember it being


The back-hop seems to “hang loose” since it doesn’t lead into a lunge like the sword crit. Maybe try something like this




That little flourish adds SO much.


yes that flows much better than what i had before.
would it be alright if i used this to finish and release the animation?


Of course! I just kind of scribbled on it so you’ll probably have to clean it up quite a bit, but feel free to use it however you like.

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I gave it another shot and decided to change up the motion a bit
it’s still wip but i prefer it over what i had before
Eirika Magic crit v3

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Yeah i’d say that’s an improvement. There is something wonky going on with her right leg during the raised hand bit, though.

Maybe it’s worth a try adding vilks motion flourish on the “way down”. Great animation though :slight_smile:

Ngl, I think Vilk’s flowed better/was smoother. Yours is an improvement over your previous one, but Vilk’s made Eirika look like a sword dancer. Except… with magic.

(Note: I’d be fine with adding all of these as flashy Eirika magi variants. Nothing wrong with options.)

To be fair i think the smoothness is just a timing thing. Mine has a couple of frames that display 1/20 of a second where they display for 1/10 in the most recent one. Just shaving a few fractions off those would make it look smoother.


e: I did like the half-raised arm, though, it set the lead-up for the crit more apart from the regular attack, and my take on crits is generally that the more different you can make it look and feel compared to the regular attack, the better.

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No, this animation is a clear loss in… in ‘movement fluidity,’ I suppose.

Here’s Tera’s first magic crit.

Vilk, here’s your variant.

Now here’s the newest one.

All of them side by side.

In the first one, the arm is much lower. The drop and spin is much faster and smoother, because she drops and spins on her foot, while you can clearly follow Eirika’s arm raising back up for the secondary orb above her head. The flourish of light that follows her arm’s movements also keeps in sync with the step-rotate movement as well.

The second one is exactly the opposite. She only conjures one orb, way above her head, she puts it away, spins, then thrusts her arm out to attack. The motion is much more exaggerated, but becomes wholly muddled in the middle during the spin, making it hard to follow her arm’s motion.

In the first example, she conjures a tiny orb, and the spin she performs seemingly adds momentum to the orb, this transferring kinetic energy into the larger orb before she attacks.

In the second one, she just conjures the big orb, then drop-spins to attack. Much less impactful.

These are just my opinions, of course, but I strongly think editing your first example would be better overall.

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I wasn’t done with it yet i just wanted to show the new motions i was planning to go with
This is much closer to what i have in mind
Eirika Magic crit v3
I’m also considering changing the magic to use the hair colors instead


that’d be cool.

In this case the energy kind of just disappears at the end. I think it might be nice to have it kind of flare up as the spell takes effect?



I was also considering that so you just saved me the effort of figuring it out
Eirika Magic crit v3
this is probably good enough now thanks for the help
now i need to fix up the normal attack animation because it’s kinda bad in comparison to what we have now for the crit lol


i have two directions we can go with for the normal attack

Option 1

Eirika Magic v3

Option 2

Eirika Magic v3b


2 is better imo


Yeah, I vote 2 as well.

Iiii kind of prefer the original one without the twirl here. It could be spruced up a bit, sure, but it looks much more distinct from the crit whereas this is basically the same movement without the energy trail. It’s not so much that it looks bad and more that it makes the crit not stand out as much next to it.

(One could go the spicy route and make the current crit the normal attack and an even fancier one for the crit…)

in that case another option could be to use the hop back from the old crit for the normal attack instead?
Eirika Magicv2
like this but with some magic energy added in