Modular Battle Routine ~ Demo Released, Currently Needs Ease Of Installation

SNES style criticals:
[battle screen][1][1]:
[in battle, showing final health][2][2]:

Here is the complete source code for the routine doing the SNES crits through Modular Battle:

ldrh r1, [r3]
mov r0, #0x01
and r1, r0
cmp r1, #0x0
beq return @not critical; go back
ldrh r0, [r2, #0x6] @Atk
ldrh r1, [r2, #0x8] @Def
lsl r0, #0x1
sub r0, r1
strh r0, [r2, #0x4] @damage
bx r14

See, not so bad, right?

Added another section that gives you more flexibility over editing anything in the Unit Battle Data. With it, I implemented iron-swords-give-+20-avoid

[lowen with iron sword][1]
[lowen with javelin][2]

mov r1, #0x62 @avoid
ldrh r2, [r0, r1]
add r2, #0x20 @add 20 to avoid
strh r2, [r0, r1]
bx r14

See? That coding’s not too bad.

Edit: Yeah, I realized this was giving 32 to avoid. I fixed it though!

I’ve decided to forego the Weapon Effect expansion. I don’t think there are that many effects to implement there. If I do decide to make an expansion, it’ll just expand upon Ct075’s status swords.

Released a version for fire shell’s first release.

v0.1 - fixed the bug in the critical routine that handled the Crit+15 skill incorrectly.

v0.1 for Project Fire Shell – this is build for the patch arch sent me; it should work with previous versions, but, anyway. I confirmed the various modules work.

[definitely not a screenshot of a demonstration I plan to make for FEE3][1]

[definitely not another screenshot][2]


If I can figure out how to use this thing in vanilla FE7 (newbie here), I’ll definitely give it a shot. Looks awesome, dude. I’ll see if I can figure it out later!

Wait a bit – I’m still developing things and it’ll be in Fire Shell. Believe me, you’ll want to use a patch; this is ridiculously hard to install by hand.

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Noted, haha :stuck_out_tongue: I think I’m speaking for everyone, hackers and players, when I say that we’re looking forward to it!

Display hack (hopefully) works. Editing pre/post calculation routines to be in a better place. Though this takes a bit of guesstimation as to what calls this function, but… Well, hey. If there’s a hole to the calculations, then I can jsut patch it up.

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[Another not-screenshot for you mooks. I hope you’re smart enough to figure out what I’m hoping to show by this.][1]

There seems to be some kind of code that skips over the part containing the pre/post routines if hit is 0(but not if it’s negative ??? ). This is… quite puzzling. But I will look into it.

Edit: was just me being dumb and had mistyped a pointer lol

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I’m a little daft… Could you point out what it is I’m looking at? ehehe

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Demo should be done; just needs some playtesting to make sure it isn’t too brutal.

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can you give spec for how parameters are passed into the routines? I vaguely remember you having some (r0 is attackerData, r1 is defenderData?), but I can’t seem to find it

For the modular routines:

I actually avoided handing you the defender data in the might, hit and crit routines, because for just a single character, like in the stats screen, it had some weird effects. But I’ve got them documented now so, idk, maybe I’ll add it back in.

If you meant the original routines, which i modified: [FE7] Charting the Battle Stat Computations

(In which the originals are, yeah, basically what you said)

that is exactly what i wanted thanks

So how would one make modifications to final hit/crit/damage, especially for calculations including both units’ stats?