KelssFE (working title)

brb re-naming Brice Chrysler


I spy two new mapsprites that aren’t immediately obvious as to what they are! Person-in-the-forest and the caster-girl (a cleric or a mage maybe?) next to the Soldier.

That’s Theln (commandant) and Demi (mystic— wind/lightning mage), yes. Demi still needs to be changed to look more magey and less clerical, though (that’ll probably happen once I make the actual generic mystic sprite). Axefighters are slated to get changed map sprites as soon as I get to the animations, too.

Will you be editing boots to give +5 mov instead, then?

I actually had no plans for boots yet, but hopefully!

While we’re on this topic, I do intend on giving the player nudges on game mechanics in-game: the movement system, magic changes, scarcity of luck, etc will be mentioned by villagers in earlygame houses (“don’t underestimate an armor knight indoors!”; “this is my pet pony! he doesn’t like stairs!”). I think I might add an option to have textboxes that spell it out for people wanting to know the specifics or people who wouldn’t get the hint, though.
Or I could put it in the readme. But that’s boring~

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Reward the players for doing what you say >:D Then halfway through the game, punish them for doing that


Because I’m going to have to move as fast as Theln and Ilya here if I’m to get my planned demo ready to play by FEE3. As you can see from our friendly neighborhood commandant’s slightly-more-immaculate hair, I did quite a bit of miscellaneous polish for the past month while having modder’s block on making actual gameplay. Now, though, polish is firmly on the back burner as I begin a three-week scramble to construct four-odd more chapters in time for FEE3!



Still one of my most absolute favorite upcoming projects.

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Taking your time playing?

Having a nice, leisurely stroll?

Oozing along slowly like a blue, enemy-absorbing amœba?

Grinding your support levels?

Boss-abusing so you can get Demi to level 20 with a Heal staff?

Maybe a little shopping break here and there?


Starting with the first of the three missions you go on, a turn count-influenced “clock” starts counting up, using event IDs to approximate if you took less turns than usual, a normal amount of turns, or way too many turns. If you spend too long bumbling around in ch1, you may have to trudge around in snow and rain for ch2 and 3… and ch4, which is already planned to be more challenging than usual, will become merciless with the added weather. If you’re playing on expert mode, it’ll be downright miserable. This loosely chronological weather system lasts all the way into ch8, where it will determine whether you fight in the midst of a mild flurry or in a blizzard with snowdrifts everywhere.

… I know I said that polish was off of the books for now, but this feature has been planned and is too good not to tease now that I’ve gotten to the chapters where it starts taking effect.

Edit: yes, I realise that punishing slowness by slowing the player down seems unintuitive. Movement penalties given by weather are less harsh thanks to the new movement system, though, and map design accommodates for it further with roads, indoor segments, and terrain that wouldn’t slow the player down much more than it does in clear weather.


ngl, dunno how i feel about this mechanic. But i guess I’ll need to check it out when she’s released

╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭ I was just excited that weather can be a tiny bit less arbitrary than it is in FE7

Doesn’t seem arbitrary to me. Seems almost like you’ve got some kind of weather system going on in a ‘seasons’ fashion. I quite like it.

also gasp

This a Gba hack

Yes; it’s an FE7 mod.

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Nice can’t wait to see the release

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The Proyect is Dead?

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Dellhonne, you already got suspended once for spamming project threads asking for release dates. This is your only warning. If you keep it up, you won’t be coming back next time.

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Stop asking or it will be.

Honestly, though, I’m always working on it at least a little bit. However, my morale to sit down and work on events packed full of cumbersome conditions has been low for months as it has been consumed by my morale to sit and dick around with music all day.

… Want a teaser screenshot anyway?

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sorry and thank you to answer me

Post-mortem edit: so what’s up with this “announcement”, anyway? At the time, I had decided to turn KlsFE into a sort of platformer/beat-'em-up game that still more or less followed the plot of the FE7 mod version. As you might expect, I severely underestimated the amount of work that goes into making a game with its own engine instead of just making one based off of an existing engine. I got as far as making a barely-functional character select screen which led to a “test” room where you had a little sprite of Theln that could run and jump around the room (attacking and other actions weren’t implemented yet) before I realised that I had bitten off a lot more than I could chew and my game was destined to be vapourware. I was aiming to make a very “tight” platformer , kind of like a mix of Mega Man and Ninja Gaiden. The characters would have various play styles: Theln was to be the “default” character with his longsword giving him a far reach; Eline was harder to use, with squishier defense but faster movement and hard-to-land but strong magic/knife attacks; Demi was a sort of oddball character who could do unorthodox attacks with her staff or lightning. Jarus was planned to be the “strong but slow” character but was shown as “locked” in the screenshot because I didn’t make any sprites for him yet, and Hanno (one of the big bads; a magical general who cribbed a lot from FE4’s Arvis) was planned to be the actual “secret” character. My priorities in setting out to make this game were misplaced from day one; I made a few sprites, found out how to make it so the player character lands on the floor properly instead of falling ankle-deep into it when you jump, and excitedly decided to make an announcement to show off my “progress” when what I should’ve done is made sure I had an extremely solid basic engine with nothing in the way of sprites but placeholders first. My vision for KlsFE has never stopped changing; the current nebulous idea is a more grand strategy-like game where you don’t just have your units who command armies; those armies are directly involved in combat and there’s a certain amount of logistics management to it (supply chains!), with a sense of scale and time that a Fire Emblem game would never invoke. Will I ever actually realize this vision? Probably not. Why did I see fit to disturb this post after years to add this post-mortem? It was itching at the back of my head, honestly. I suddenly recalled a while ago that I had never given closure to this bizarre teaser and I figured I owed it to any of the people I’d potentially teased to do so. Hopefully this was illuminating.

Original post follows.

Well, now’s as good a time as any to jump on the bandwagon.

Consider this my announcement that I am moving away from the platform of GBA (and mods/hacks in general) for game development. Through this new project (which will keep the KlsFE characters/locations/etc but be quite a bit shorter, with some misc changes to accompany that), I hope to acquire the experience necessary to begin realizing my vision of KlsFE as it plays out in my head and not as it plays out on a hack of someone else’s intellectual property on a GBA ROM. That being said, the project remains one of my biggest time-sinks during free time and I’ll still be around helping people on their own projects.

I sincerely apologise for revealing this to the public way too prematurely and trying to create hype. Its form will be very different the next time you see it (if there is a next time). But on the plus side, I get to make a little more hype with this announcement! :wink: