Buildfile Base - Phase Two

Pretty much. I tried it out for my FEE3 project; if you haven’t seen it already, it’s pretty ASM intensive. Using the skill system as a base buildfile, I split my buildfile in 2. The main section had all the skill system assembly (I made my edits to this stuff first so that I wouldn’t have to touch it again), tables, and text. The second part had my map, my events, and the extra assembly I was working on, which was in its own folder for convenience. I used Makehack_1 to turn FE8_Clean.gba into WIP_1.gba, assembling the first section. Then I used Makehack_2 to assemble the second portion from WIP_1 to FETD.gba, containing what I was actively working on. The second part took about 6 seconds to assemble, and I was assembling pretty often as I tried various things. If I did it for a multi-chapter project, I would eventually start moving things I no longer need to work on into part 1, which only got assembled when I needed to add text or edit tables.
EA being able to spit out a labels file is what makes this possible, so you need the most recent version of EA to do that.

You could, of course, break it up into even more parts. At the very end, I added all the portraits of FE7’s PCs as their own buildfile; which went in the very beginning, then was used as a base for the majority of the skill system, and finally the rest. It was a bit messy with names, but it worked. It does mean you have multiple roms as intermediate steps, which could be an issue if you’re keeping your entire project on a flash drive or dropbox or somewhere with limited space, but I think the shortening your average build time is definitely worth it.

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Seems like an interesting solution. I was thinking something similar with using a base file but I think genning the basefile using a second buildfile is a really interesting concept.

I believe any base system can be simplified and streamlined. The current buildfile base, VBA, is okay but it was really hard for me to wrap my head around how things were formatted.

I really do think this project (which needs a flashy name) will be more useful in the long run compared to VBA. A base project is extremely helpful. That’s why the rom typically was a good base for much of hacking’s lifetime, while a base buildfile will be even more versatile.

Okay guys, the poll results are pretty clear with 88% YES and about 2/3 of that wanting new community assets included.
Moving forwards I want to have a community decision about what exactly does and doesn’t get included. Let me know what tools, graphics, patches, etc you think should be included. I’ll keep a running list so that we don’t get duplicate suggestions.
Here is that.
Let me know any credits I’m missing / that are incorrect, please.

(copying this to the OP as well.)


Project Build-A-Base?

Can be shortened to Project BAB, Bab, or BB I suppose.

If this is successful, it’s pretty much what they wanted Sacred Shell to be.

Then comes those that are actually looking to learn how to do everything…mainly me…

I’m also writing the tutorials in the meantime, yes

Build A Big Base for You.


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more like, what everyone else wanted it to be, after I pitched the idea to them.