Forum Maintenance Master Thread


Iā€™ve managed to fix the validation issues that have been plaguing us for a while. Take this as a lesson, kids - always double-check your passwords.

If you get 10k emails from us in the next 5 minutes, thatā€™s my fault!

AND weā€™re back

Apologies about the downtime, everyone! In case youā€™ve been noticing ā€œhey! Why are my category colors suddenly tiny???ā€, that ought to be a hint at the reason: Arch recently updated to Discourse 1.1. Normally, that shouldnā€™t be a problem (what kind of forum software crashes itself on update, anyway?), but in this case all the old garbage images of the software were still lying around, taking up space. The update actually pushed the disk to full usage, hence the downtime. Iā€™ve gone through and cleaned them out, though, so we ought to be fine for a while now.

I hate the new tag color sizes :frowning:

I think I know how to get the old buttons back, but unless Arch decides to make an executive decision Iā€™d like to leave them for a while and see what public consensus is (open invitation to post here if you have an opinion)

it bugged me at first as well, but itā€™s grown on me

My main complaint about tiny boxes is this:

Though changing the color of the text would fix it too.

(Unless itā€™s always been like this and I just didnā€™t notice then lol)

Do it, because ^ looks dumpy :stuck_out_tongue:

thatā€™s actually something that discourse itself is working on; iā€™ll see what i can do to fix that but iā€™m not actually sure that the other fix would fix it either

Also a PSA: Quoting Jeff Atwood, the guy behind Discourse:

[quote]There is no support for per user theming and no plans for it. You may want to point your users to Stylish extension for their browser. [/quote]

There used to be a way I could sort by Starred Threads, but now I canā€™t do that anymore. It sucks.


Considering the content of this board (the modification of pirated game ROMs from companies that can totally still profit off them), an executive decision has been made to reclassify this forum as a pirate site.

As such, all posts will now be automatically translated to Pirate Speak. Avast, me hearties!



Maybe Nintendo should claim the rights to our shit and force a publishing agreement where we get some pennies on the dollar for producing ROM Hacks on the eShop.

If youā€™re reading this, BigN. Call me.



Well, unfortunately nobody really noticed the pirate talk (qq). In hindsight, my original idea of making everything ALL CAPS would have been better, but that managed to crash the site (oops!)ā€¦

In other news, weā€™ve upgraded discourse again. They appear to have fixed strikethrough again, @Arch, so you can rest easy.

Avatars on the side of topics not glowing to indicate the most recent poster annoys more more than it should.

Iā€™m actually more annoyed by avatars now being circles instead of squares. But, alas.

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Iā€™m annoyed at the Stretching of Lindsy.

That annoys me too, but I like to complain about useful functions first

Weā€™re unfortunately yoked to whatever the most recent update of discourse is (well, theoretically I could manually rollback but that would mean a ton of downtime while I figure out how to make the launcher work), and it updates any time we try to install a plugin.

Iā€™m intending to ffix a lot of the UI issues you guys have once I have a spare moment away from school and other commitments

Youā€™d be the real MVP if you can undo all of jatwoodā€™s nonsensical changes. Like seriously, I canā€™t think of a single ā€œUI issueā€ that isnā€™t something deliberately done by Discourseā€™s creator as part of an update.

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Just wanted to give an update to yā€™all; the site experienced a few hours of downtime today, and I owe a small explanation. Basically, the debit card I was paying with expired last month, and I hadnā€™t noticed that the information provided to the service provider was outdated.

Good thing I caught it in time, too. They were about to nuke the site! My account was temporarily suspended, but itā€™s been paid off and luckily catastrophe was averted.