Fire Emblem: Exalted Legacy

the hilarity ensues.

I don’t know, personally I was still only about 60% done with ch2 when the reinforcements spawned.

An interesting thing is that the “guard” to the northern village is equipped with a sword but presumably due to a class change can’t actually use it.

Uh…I have a few bugs with Ch5. Malledus doesn’t appear, and if Haradin talks to Rasha or Edwyn after recruiting Vyland(or when he talks to , it says that some equipment(whatever Haradin gives them) is pilfered. (They do get the equipment, but they don’t join, though I assume them not joining is intentional)

Edit: Also, the northwestern most Chest on the map can’t be opened.

Edit 2: Also, the Rapier doesn’t seem to be effective against armours?

I got my EN touching my EL and now I’m just frantically searching to title EM for the trilogy factor.

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Introducing Hardin and the new Wolfguard.

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Why are the female faces so incredibly small?

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@luminescentblade aced the designs for Clara, Darcy and Adelaide. The Wrys was a collaboration between AthenaWyrm and Niharu. I’m going to post a video explaining the choice in detail once I get the frames, but these are your choices after Chapter 1. Mage, Pirate, Recruit, Curate.

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But I want them all ;-;

mage now
mage forever
not even a choice

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I almost guarantee this is due to the description being more than one line long. In fact, it may be a wrong text id attached to the weapon.

Seriously, why would you choose anyone else except maybe the pirate on a reach.

Because Merric comes along with Excalibur in Ch4?

Is Merric dependent on who you choose?
The pirate calls to me because THAT HAND

i’m going for WRYYYYYYYYYS

Still my FE1 remake dream. Which was only conceived of being done so that you can see Medeus’ full body down the side by making his chibi not display. Wish I could give it a nice retro-inspired GUI skinning.

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Didn’t Nintenlord come out a while ago with a Nightmare module that allowed for moving around battle-frame windows?

It’s not as extensive to allow what your image shows, at least from recollection, but it’s something. Though I do like the idea of showing the mini-mugs on screen, from what I can recall too that FE7x has a similar thing that shows a character’s mug in the battle-frame too.

Is this retro enough?


You should probably stop sucking dick then.

No one knows when XNA is coming out, so why bother twiddling our thumbs and waiting until yeti gives us the sweet mana from the heavens and end up starving when we can just do what we can in the meantime?

Basically what @dancer_A said. Why should all creativity stop in anticipation of something that’s still incredibly far off?

You can relax with being the Flava Flav to Yeti’s Chuck D at any time.

It’s to the point where if I read a post of yours’ that doesn’t tell me to drop my hobby and wait for XNA, or otherwise hype the “ROM hacking killer,” I’ll go take a shot. Because if I did it the other way around, I’d have been dead years ago.

Can’t wait to see those nu XNA hax! This one’s sticking with GBAFE, though. And when your only contribution to the topic is “cough XNA cough,” you have no room to bash the creativity of others.