[FE8] Skill System v1.0 - 254 skills done, more on the way

Does anyone know how to get the Debuff Weapons in the ASM folder working?

Is there a way to disable the Flashy Mode? (aka always critting when dealing the finishing blow to a boss) I’d prefer my hack without it.


Okay, and what’s the method?

if i wanted to, say, separate ignis into bonfire and iceberg and add those skills in, how would i go about doing it

You will have to learn some asm, you can fine the routine for Ignis in the Proc Skills folder, and here’s a tutorial to get started on asm:

Debuff bug occurs with SkillSystems + CSACreator.
It also occurred at the Boss Rush test stage of the github version of SkillSystems.

Install CSACreator and set additional magic.
The same problem occurs with any magic.
This time, I made a starlight magic.

I assigned this added magic to Fire.
Activating Fire breaks the status.

The status has been corrupted.

The status of other Player’s Unit that did not use magic will also be broken.

However, the status RAM of the unit is not broken.
Resetting and restarting will return to the original state.
I think that the Debuff area of ​​SkillSystems is broken.

There is no problem unless it is magic added with CSA Creator.
For example, setting magic in existing ROM to magic of Fire is no problem.
The problem only occurs when you activate the added magic.

The same problem also occurs in FEditor CSA System.
Perhaps, it seems that work memory used by these magic systems conflicts with the Debuff area of ​​SkillSystems.

i mean wouldn’t it be kinda simple, other than figuring out how to make it so all the skills exist and not just one? you go into the ignis file, copypaste the details other than the res or def getters (respectively) into a new event file, add corresponding icons and shit to the tables, and voila?

It is simple, unless you have no idea what you are looking at, that’s why I suggested the guide, it should also tell you where to get the compiler which you are going to need.

I don’t know what you mean “figuring out how to make it so all the skills exist”, just make new skills, there is nothing special you need to do: give them an id definition, an icon and a description and you are set.

This is the Display Growths hack, pressing the “Select” button should switch from growths to stats, although I don’t know why it would switch pages on it’s own just from using magic.

Because combat animations use the space in ram that stat screen stuff is stored to (2003BFC). Page number is saved at 202BCF0+0x14 && 0x3, and the rest is generated from there. I updated the hack (the original) to save the display growths toggle somewhere in ram, but I guess I forgot to include it here.

About the skill “Summon”. I wonder can you make it with animation? My idea is make it an ability animation like “Dance” or animation like using a staff.

How do I install this without the boss rush chapter?

There is a patch in FEBuilder that can install the skill system with no boss rush. If you want to use build files, do the following to remove the boss rush chapter:

  1. Open the main build file and comment out the events and maps sections.
  2. Open “./Text/text_buildfile.txt”. Remove the Boss Rush entry at 0x160 as well as the HouseText and VillageText entries. Renumber the other entries with new offsets starting at 0x0D4C (for a vanilla ROM). Do the same for any files that are referenced in the text_buildfile.txt.
  3. Delete the textentries folder. Run the textprocess program on the text_buildfile.txt and verify that the new event files were renumbered correctly (none having indexes lower than 0xD4C or your chosen starting point).
  4. Open "./Tables/FE8 Nightmare Modules/Chapter Data Editors/Pointer table editor.csv” and change the “0x04 Prologue Map” value to 0x81b76f4 and “0x07 Prologue Events” to 0x89e863c.

This should allow you to start a new game like normal.

Thanks. I’m trying to create new skills and stuff to add in personally, so this really helps.

Problem: Assemble_Arm.bat isn’t letting met assemble a .dmp file for my new skills - or any old ones, for that matter. It gives me the error “bad expression - ‘ldr 0, =#0xFFF80000’”, then just stops. As far as I can tell, this also occurs with any old skills too

The error message you’re getting looks like you’re trying to ldr into 0 instead of r0, which isn’t possible. Check your asm to make sure.

However, if your assembler .bat isn’t working even on existing skills, it might be that it isn’t compatible with how/where you’ve got your devkitPro set up. If this is the case, it won’t load the right language specs and will throw errors on stuff that’s perfectly legal to do.

This one works for me, just make sure that startDir is set to the path to your devkitPro:

[details=I can’t upload .bats here so paste this into a text file and save it as Assemble_ARM.bat]```
@echo off

SET startDir=C:\devkitPro\devkitARM\bin\

@rem Assemble into an elf
SET as="%startDir%arm-none-eabi-as"
%as% -g -mcpu=arm7tdmi -mthumb-interwork %1 -o “%~n1.elf”

@rem Print symbol table
SET readelf="%startDir%arm-none-eabi-readelf"
%readelf% -s “%~n1.elf” > “%~n1.symbols.log”

@rem Extract raw assembly binary (text section) from elf
SET objcopy="%startDir%arm-none-eabi-objcopy"
%objcopy% -S “%~n1.elf” -O binary “%~n1.dmp”

echo y | del “%~n1.elf”

well apparently my version of “arm-none-eabi-readelf” is incompatible with windows x64 so

edit: so i got a version that does work, but we’re back to square one with the same error, even though i replaced my assemble_arm.bat with yours, and i’m getting that same error whether i’m making my own proc_bonfire or using an existing one, like proc_bane

Chapter 2 (using the Vanilla FE8 skills) When I talk to ross It always gives me an error: Jumped to invalid address 04E3A020 if someone know how to fix this please tell me

Has anyone ever had problems with Trample not working? Because it isn’t for me, my units just won’t get the damage increase