[FE7/8] Dragon's Veins

Some new fangled Fates thing where the self-insert and other characters with dragon blood or w/e can use terraforming magic to force tile changes a set of tile changes. One map apparently uses it to dry up a river for enemies to cross over and attack, but some of it’s as simple as “I need a makeshift bridge right now.”

It’s not just for tile changes - also debuffing enemies, setting off traps, etc. The Visit command runs whichever event you specify, this is basically the same but restricted to certain units.


you know what
i’ll just see myself out

What, what circles said. Basically any event that can be run.

In chapter 15 of Conquest DVs are also used to create clones your army.

It’s a really cool mechanic, Conquest uses it to great effect.

Your best bet would be to reference Hextator’s support hack because that links events to unit commands outside of the standard visit, seize etc

I’ve already linked events to unit commands myself (for last year’s FEE3?). It’s easy since there is just a routine in game that’s just “run this event”.

@circleseverywhere Did you make a nightmare module for the unit menu commands in FE8? What’re the offsets?

Here’s JJs module: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zymc1h221nnxpm9/AAALzKY2qwVDz3t-ejFIGi4ha/jjl2357’s%20notes/FE8%20Nightmare%20Modules/Unit%20Menu%20editor?dl=0

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Update: Dragon’s Vein will now be declared under the traps section of events and be treated as such internally (This makes them easier to draw on the map, and keep track of usage. Probably.)

it didn’t crash.

Also this is just a placeholder graphic, of course.

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Okay, now to find how it manages palettes (for the ballista for example)

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what exactly are we looking at?

The sparkle at [2,2]

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So yeah, I did this in FE8. No one tell SF yet.


Why shouldn’t we tell SF?

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Because we’re planing a thing and if SF knew about it the surprise would be ruined.

Also because they’re not worthy

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Because people on this site fail to realize they’re our sister site and others just decided they were too good for the community.
Although @Crazycolorz5 isn’t either of those people, he has a more plausible reason

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circles/Wizard of the Tower-Today at 7:31 PM (@circleseverywhere)

We just want to blow their minds
But all at once for max effect