FE6 - Archanea mode (Can Archanea Characters beat FE6?) [Complete]

my Navarre dissapeared and I recruited him


Doga’s promoted class has the female general movement animations. Its standing animation is correct.

Camus joins with a Silver Sword but cannot use it.

Midia’s class has the flying wyvern sound effect during it’s movement animations.

Thoron can be pretty terrifying on enemies. I like its stats and power but there is a Valkyrie that is doubling me with it, and with such low res on my player characters, she easily wipes out some units.

The Wing Spear isn’t effective against the Valkyrie class. May be worth cross checking the effective bonus against all mounted classes to be safe.

A Pure Water or Barrier Staff is a counter but these moments you’d use one are so infrequent it may not come across as an option.

The Wing Spear isn’t effective against the Valkyrie class. Possibly other mounted classes are worth checking, like nomads?


Hey thank you for the many bug reports, they have been quite helpful.

New version has been uploaded! You can find it in the drive as 1.5

Still working on fixing midia’s animation sound bug and Doga’s class movement sprites, I cannot really figure out why they are as they are, but me and a friend will be looking into it more.

The Camus and Shiida bugs have been fixed on my end but i’ll wait until i fix the other things too before i submit a new patch.

Regarding the thoron Valkyries being very strong, i personally don’t mind it, from what i’ve seen you’ve mainly used slow (gordin) or inaccurate weapons (javelins) and that particular valkyrie has always been, atleast in my opinion, one of the strongest generic enemies in FE6 even in vanilla. Obviously since you have less RES mages will be more scary, but that also just means you need to be more liberal with using barriers and pure waters at the right moments.
I may however also just add another barrier staff somewhere. Maybe it will help a bit with that.
Another thing you should definitely not underestimate is defensive supports. As an example: Jagen has Gordin and Arran as possible support partners for a possible 5x5 Ice support, which is an effective +5 DEF/RES and +25 Hit/Avoid/Crit avoid. Combined with a barrier boost that can get you to +12 extra res, which is really not that bad. Combine this with his base 6 def and you have a whopping 18 RES.

Affinities which give a def/res boost are Thunder, Ice, Light, Anima, so really you can do this with most units. Combined with the overall quicker support gain it should hopefully help atleast a little bit.

Oh and @Congrio . I am not quite sure why or how that happened, but it could be a bug related to mGBA. I personally use VBA-M 2.1.4 myself and haven’t had any issues like that. Both of the emulators translate GBA code into gameplay differently, so maybe try using that one instead.