[Tactile] Staff of Ages (First Tactile release out now!)

I think after we finish up the first arc, which is just Belle’s story, that’ll be the plan.

Especially considering my free time is super limited nowadays and all that.

Because I haven’t posted an update of any kind here in awhile

Progress FE8ifying it is going pretty okay.

God damn fading is janky as hell and I can’t figure it out but whatever

I suck at updating things.

Basically uni is a larger time commitment this year than I thought it was going to be so work on this is going very, very slowly until I get a chance to just sit and work on this.

To give you an idea, the prologue is done, and chapter 1 is like 60% done (eventwise).

Mugs are slowly being recolored for FE8, 10/22 are done so far, rest should be done soonish.

Sorry to disappoint anyone who was waiting on this to be done. If there was anyone even waiting on it to happen anyway.

tl;dr I suck and real life is a bitch

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Godspeed, dude. Get things made when you’re ready; we’ll still be around.


Too many feels

Thanks, I think chapter 1 should be redone on Friday after my midterms are out of the way. (Not that that means a whole lot since that won’t have a release, just setting a personal deadline)

I should’ve just started out in FE8 like I originally planned

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So this lecture is just going over stuff I’ve already completed so I figured I’d try fixing the issue I’ve been having with chapter 1…

At least the chapter loads this time, right?

[Chapter objective not changed yet]

So assuming I figure out all the issues I’ve been having (and maybe if I’m luck get rid of damned world map), we should be all set up and ready for a demo re-release before my classes start again.

Provided I don’t get distracted by KOTOR 2 and Dark Souls 2. Which will probably happen.

kotor pls no

But I have to finish the light side playthrough

And git gud at dark souls

And pray that tile changes in fe8 work like they do in 7 so chapter 3 doesn’t kill me

Apathy is death! :wink:

(Atton and Bao-dur are the original gangsters)

They do if you’re using Tiled iırc.

They fucking better otherwise everything I’ve done so far has been for not.

Bao-Dur gives me the creeps though

Let’s pretend I’m not because I don’t know if this chapter map was done in tiled

implying I understand how tiled works

Does the filename end in .tmx? If so, you’re not screwed.

Does the filename end in .fmp or .mar? If so, you’re… still not screwed; just open it using Mappyeti and save it as a .tmx. Then go find MarkyJoe’s Tiled tutorial and learn how2tilechanges in it.

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Looks like it needs to be converted into a mar, but it’s not a .tmx

Woo extra steps

Is there a meaningful difference between MAR and tmx files? Other than the way you insert them.

I don’t know a whole lot but I know that the tmx files can have the tile changes already set up for you

[quote=“ukulelej, post:22, topic:1182, full:true”]
Is there a meaningful difference between MAR and tmx files? Other than the way you insert them.
[/quote] .mar is made with Mappy and requires tile changes to be done via events; .tmx is made with Tiled and has tile changes built into the map file. As far as I know, FE8 only works with the .tmx method of tile changes so far.

(dear FEU users: if this has since changed and Mappy files do work with FE8 nowadays, sorry gomen plsnokill I will sudoku)

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If you mean .mar files working with FE8 yeah they do (I’ve been using .mars so far)

I meant more the method of doing tile changes in events which is required for .mar; it didn’t work properly in FE8 because of FE8’s events last time I checked.