FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

Nice, I see how it works now. Will try to mess around with that thanks
Keep going this editor is amazing and I believe it can be even more in the future !

Your proposed change plan is very beautiful. However, there are two problems.
This plan is a matter of A and B parts.

The “conversation group” function of B marked in green is valid in FE8J. (I think that it is also valid on FE8U. maybe…)
Several FE8J remodeled works use this conversation group.

And the biggest problem is the A part marked in red.
There are a lot of FE8J remodeling that uses unused areas as special flags.
This tool is a MOD function and supports them.

For example…

In the example of this image,
We use three extensions of command patch(指揮), individual animation patch(個別アニメ) , skill patch(スキル).

The skill patch of FE8J uses the unused area of the unit setting as the setting value.
The command patch, like FE5, creates a commander’s correction.
Individual animation supports individual battle animation function like FE7J (FE7U).

By using the MOD function of this tool, you can assign a name to the unused area.
By giving a name, users can work comfortably.

So, even if it is an unused area, you have to refrain from erasing the name “??”.
Because, if you delete “??”, the user can not use MOD function.
I do not want to lose extensibility, including extensibility for the future.

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Ah! So the ?? name is rewritten using the PATCH functionality? When they use the skill patch, it allows them to edit the ?? to a title more relevant? I think I understand, and that is VERY useful. I will fix it.

Edit 1: Fixed the Item editor, added Labels. J_43/J_44/J_45 are back in, labeled ??

Added the Character Editor ?? labels as well.

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That’s right.

If a specific patch is installed, the name will be set to “??” that patch will use.

In this tool, it is implemented as PATCH_.txt and MOD_.txt.
PATCH_*.txt is Change pictures, images, programs and so on.

MOD_*.txt changes the name of the “??” label on the tool by receiving changes with PATCH and binary data.

Once the patch is installed, the name will be set to “??” used by that patch.

For FE8U, we have not transplanted patches yet,
For FE8J, several are attached.


When the PATCH_指揮パッチ.txt is installed, MOD_指揮.txt rewrites the screen.
The content is a text file (UTF-8).

These brief descriptions are in the doc directory. (Although it is in Japanese…)


I have supported the attribute image with the latest version.


Wow, this look very nice.
Is it possible to make some extra compatibilities with some ASM hacks?
Like the Str/Mag split and the Skill System.


Hey @7743, can you do me a favor, and when writing new code for each release, put ///NEW after new lines? That way I can import into my project much easier :slight_smile:

Am currently trying to import Attribute_Icon into my project.

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I am changing a lot of lines, so I can not put a mark such as NEW.
To implement Attribute_Icon, you need to modify some files.
I can not present it all.
If you do it yourself, please get diff with winmerge etc.

Now should not fix the design.
I think that you should only do translation, which is hard to cause conflicts.

Because, I have a lot of ideas I still want to implement.
Therefore, the UI may change.

Still, if you want to fix the design, please publish all of the complete project file in zip format so that I can merge it in the future.
Depending on how much change you made, if can merge it might merge.
(However, we can not promise to merge without fail.)

It is two things,
that is not breaking the program
It is a mandatory condition that Japanese button names etc are maintained.

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Are there dependencies based on the japanese name of the button? Do functions break when this is changed?

Edit: This is my current English Translation. If editing the Japanese names will break things, I will stop. I will focus only on the translation files for now.


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Even if the Japanese name breaks, the program will work.
However, since this project has many users in Japan, maintaining the Japanese name is a prerequisite.

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Ok. I will start from scratch, and update only the translation files.

However, in the future, we should work on an updated UI, because I think much can be fixed with it.

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If you are redesigning the next time, will you publish the complete set of projects in zip format, not just screenshot images?
I can check the program and whether Japanese is maintained,
Even if there is a problem, I think you will notice the problem as soon as possible.

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That is what this is. https://puu.sh/xxKOn/e6d77a0de1.7z

I cannot move the buttons around when they are in Japanese because I don’t know what they are. It is very tedious to have to open the editor over and over or to compare screenshots of the english translated editor.

I wish there was a way to make the VisualBasic editor English and Japanese at the same time, perhaps using Localization of my Computer?

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In the next version we plan to be able to call event assembler as patch function.
This may make it possible to use many FE8U FE7U changes. maybe…

However, since I am not familiar with the remodeling of FE8U FE7U, it may take a while.

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Basically, this program is made in Japanese.
I replaced Japanese with English and Chinese, and make a translation system.(config/translate/*.txt)

The language barrier is a problem…

The translation system which VisualStudio originally had was not used because it was hard to use in machine translation.
I made original translation processing system with reference to Gnu GetText.
When program runing, this translation system automatically moves in user setting and PC language setting, and translation is displayed.

However, when I look at the form designer function of VisuailStudio, the original Japanese will be displayed…
I hope to solve it somehow, but I can not think of a solution …

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Yes, this is my biggest problem. I want to fix the UI, but cannot do so because the Form designers are in Japanese. You could copy what I have done with the design, maybe? Other than that, I am not sure of how to proceed.

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If I were to merge,
First of all, please return all the button names to Japanese ,
(If the button remains Japanese, this work is not necessary.)

Next, copy the target *Form.Designer.cs and confirm the operation.

With this, if there is no problem, merge is completed.
If there is a problem, merge fails.

Translating button names into English and Japanese respectively is wasteful work.

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I am instead going to redesign all the menus again, but using your japanese version. This will be much faster in the long run, and I think I can do it quickly. Then we will have no problems.

Edit: I have found the biggest problem.

The translation file is very scattered. The Class Editor translations are mixed with the Character Editor, the Item Editor, and a bunch of other ones. I have to use ‘find’ on everything and it takes a VERY long time to hunt every command down.

In the future, whether doing machine translation or otherwise, it would be good to try and sort things by the editors where possible. Otherwise it is very tedious and slow to edit the translations.

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Hi all ! A wonderful program. I began to study it, and I had problems:

  1. How to create new event?
  2. How to edit a character palette?
  3. How to export and import combat animations?
  4. and…When you export a move icon, then you get an error.
    Here is the screen.
    I will be grateful if you will help)
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Why not translate the whole text line by line? Much faster than find texts here and there.

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