Eventing for Dummies

Intro to Chapter Construction

You’ve read enough of my words on this page, and you probably want to get to the good stuff already. So, let’s wrap this up with a video instead. This is the first draft of Raven’s Tale from Elibian Nights with its source code, the video will display the event codes being processed as the chapter plays. You can follow along with the code below. A video is, after all, a rapid succession of pictures, which means they’re worth about 10,000,000,000 words. Hopefully this helps visualize some of these concepts.

Using this event source as an example, the video will run through the chapter’s events and dissect them for you.

MUS1 0x0034 //Plays music 0x0034
CMOF //Tells the camera to not follow unit movement/loading.
LOU1 Cornwell Araphen //Loads units under the headers "Cornwell "and "Araphen"
BACG 0x10 //Sets the Background to 0x01, which displays without a FADU thanks to the 'fade to black'
TEX1 0x0820 //Displays text at index 0820
CAM1 Raven //Puts the camera on Raven before the REMA, when the game wipes the screen the camera will already be on Raven.
REMA //Wipes the screen of backgrounds, portraits and text.
MUEN 0x01 //Ends the music at speed 0x01 (basically instantly).
STAL 0x10 //Stalls the game for 0x10
CURF Raven //Cursor-flash on Raven
TEX1 0x0821
MUS1 0x0033
LOU1 Heath1 //Loads the unit under header "Heath1," which is, as the name implies, Heath.
ENUN //Tells the game to wait until unit movement has ceased to continue with events.
MOVE Lucius [2,2] //Moves Lucius to coordinate 2,2
FADI 10 //Fade in at speed 10
BACG 0x04
TEX1 0x0822
MUS1 0x0057 //This is a more advanced feature. The previous text cuts off at a point, then the game reads this code to change music mid-dialogue.
MORETEXT 0x0824 //Continues text using previous text's portraits. This is the other half of the dialogue, but now with song 0x57 playing.
ENDA //Ends the event.

I really need to redo that windows movie maker shit when I can.