Crazycolorz5's Dump of ASM Crap

Okay, so priority number one is:

Renewal (restore fixed amount of HP) when a weapon has weapon ability 3 0x40. I guess I need to test if this is a hidden weapon lock, but I’m going to assume it isn’t.

Priority number two is:

Renewal (restore fixed amount of HP) when an item has weapon ability 3 0x80 and is in user’s inventory. Multiple renewal effects from weapons/items (e.g., if user has a healing sword and a healing item) don’t stack.

If it’s possible for both to use the same ability, that would be nice.

I don’t get why, but weapon lock 0x10 triggers Lyn’s lock instead of the soothing effect for me…
IIRC I had this installed already, so I’m confused. (Renewal works fine)

Could you make a Fe7 version for it? It’s exactly what I needed for my own hack

#define CharacterToSetHP 0x01
#define HPToSetTo 0x01

BYTE 0x00 0xB5 0x3F 0xB4 CharacterToSetHP 0x23 0x0B 0x49 0x48 0x22 0x00 0x24 0xA5 0x00 0x48 0x59 0x00 0x28 0xFE 0xD0 0x00 0x68 0x00 0x28 0x09 0xD0 0x00 0x79 0x98 0x42 0x03 0xD0 0x01 0x34 0x3F 0x2C 0x03 0xD0 0xF1 0xE7 HPToSetTo 0x23 0x49 0x59 0xCB 0x74 0x3F 0xBC 0x00 0xBD 0xC0 0x46 0xB0 0x2E 0xB9 0x08

or download here

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Thanks a bunch! :kissing_smiling_eyes:

I have to paste this in an event file assemble it via the assembler and then call it’s offset as an ASMC-Code + 1, right?

Was the FE7 version tested any further? I need an event that ends in a unit giving their items to the convoy.

It was not tested to my knowledge.

If you encounter any issues, though, let me know and I’ll debug it.

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When I use it, it seems to just stall the game infinitely, but not crash it. I attempted just copying and pasting the bytes into the ROM, but it yielded the same effect(same effect as using event assembler). I tried different offsets to see if it was just a bad offset, but the game still stalls. When I do offset(of ASM), it just sends me back to the title screen. I use offset+1 and offset, but neither seem to work. Am I typing the code (ASMC 0xFFF811, inserted at 0xFFF810) wrong or did I forget to do something else? I checked to make sure the unit was an ally, and it is. I even tried applying it to NPC characters and Enemy characters, but it has the same effect as if it were an ally character. Any ideas?

I probably made a mistake. I’ll debug it later.

Same problem here. Would be great if you could fix it. Anyway, thanks a lot for your hard work @Crazycolorz5 .:blush:

The command would be ASMC 0xFFF811 (the 1 at the end is to tell the game that you’re still running thumb code).

I tried that as well with the two offsets I used (0x11BDA51–>0x91BDA51/0xFFF811–0x8FFF811), but it still does the same thing.

Also, tequila, when calling ASMC in events you don’t add the hardware offset.

It’s definitively not working for me. Or I’ve made a very stupid error. I’ve checked differnet adresses, checked the unit an if I’m using the right offset for the ASMC, which I’m doing. It’s like @SageMatthis says, after calling the code the game just stalls infinitely.

Necroposting because of links in OP aren’t working.

Is there anything in particular you’re looking for? For the most part, they should all be in my folder in the Unified Dropbox.

I was looking for the Soothing Sword and the Blacksmith hacks, for FE7 if possible.