A topic about map related stuff

extend o vision o a map?


I look at your art i just don’t have any critique to offer :stuck_out_tongue:

Jubbs you’re awful but I love you so it doesn’t matter

also bump new map

I like it. Though the arena needs to watch out during high tide o:

Maybe the arena accommodates for high tide with a modified battle field, who knows that’s the fun

i wish I could actually do that though

they could have mock sea battles at high tide (they did flood the coliseum in rome to do mock sea battles in ye olden times)

in the process of updating all the AW maps with units and a new map is up as well

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new maps I said
what a liar I am
…I’ll do something soon probably, more AW more than likely

trying to do a map a day with possibly the same general tileset for the month
who knows how long this will last

This one tile looks like it needs a little better transitioning?

turns out i uploaded the wrong one
but this proves you pay attention


Whoa ambitious.
It’s a miracle if I make a map a month outside of competition maps.

almost forgot to do one
this can’t bode well can it


That looks really nice. Is that the tileset from FE8 or did you recolor the set from FE7 so that the ship tiles were not miscolored and glitchy? I ask because we have a port chapter upcoming soonish and I’ll need to figure out my tilesets sooner or later.

There’s a top of a pillar missing to the left of the gate?

custom tileset made probably by feaw or yeti or me honestly i don’t remember, but it was for fe7x(the last one is the same situation), the palette isn’t really a palette though.

nuh uh

kitty,your maps are great as always.
but i so want to use some of the custom tile sets you have!

you know I typically just make them from existing tilesets and edit them right? lol
idk if yeti cares but if not I can just post them

turns out he doesn’t so I’ll post the tilesets I use for the daily maps at the end of each month(so tomorrow)

although I’m pretty sure they’re already online…idk


looks irradiated


Fire Emblem: Fallout Edition

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